Online Ego State Therapy Group Supervision
Presenter: Dr Woltemade Hartman Ph.D
  25 August 2024
Language: English
International Participants - 120 Euro
 South African Participants - R 1000.00
Time: 17:00-20:00 South African Time
Final date for registration: 15 August 2024

The supervision workshop is aimed at participants who have successfully completed at least the beginner’s workshops in Ego State Therapy.

The aim of this workshop is to give participants the opportunity to present and clarify theoretical questions pertaining to Ego State Therapy and its application. Participants are welcome to present cases, discuss difficulties they might have and to ask any questions with regard to the practical application of Ego State Therapy.

Do not miss the opportunity to attend and to meet up with friends and other Ego State Therapy colleagues.

The session will count as 3 hours Group supervision as part of the certification requirements of Ego State Therapy International.

An invoice will be issued on receipt of the online registration form.

Online EST Group Supervision 25 August 2024